2006 born in Bucharest, Romania
from WS 2023 Jungstudium with Andrea Lieberknecht
2023 private flute lessons with Teodor Țîrlea/ „Gheorghe Sincai“ National College, Bucharest
2020 flute lessons at „George Enescu“ National College of Music and private lessons/„Gheorghe Sincai“ National College, Bucharest with Ioana Turcu
2017 first flute lessons at Gymnasium School of Music no.5 / no.1, Bucharest with Mircea Caragiani and Carla Stoleru
2013 piano lessons at Gymnasium School of Arts no. 5, Bucharest
◊ member of Verbier Festival Junior Orchestra for the 30th edition of Verbier Festival, Switzerland
◊ Recital at Sutu Palace – the Bucharest Municipality Museum
◊ Recital „Young Performers in Affirmation”, Cultural Association „Arta Sonora”, Mogosoaia
◊ member of Junior Orchestra Program, Romanian Youth Orchestras
◊ soloist with l’Orchestre professionnel „UniArt“ France, Paris
◊ Recital „Musical Spring among Young Interprets”, Cultural Association „Arta Sonora”, Mogosoaia
◊ participation in the Laureates Gala of the „Margareta Sterian“ National Arts Competition, Buzău, Romania
◊ soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of „Iosif Sava” Gymnasium School of Arts
◊ soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of the Gymnasium School of Arts no. 5, Bucharest, Romanian Atheneum
◊ Recitals as part of the „Pattern Revolution” project, Romanian Atheneum and Cultural Centre the Brâncovenești Palaces, Mogoșoaia, Romania
Prizes and Scholarships:
◊ 1st prize Gazzelloni International flute competition
◊ 1st prize at Swiss International Music Competition
◊ UNIMIR (the Union of Musical Interprets of Romania) scholarship
◊ 1st prize at IMKA International Internet Music & Dance Competition
◊ 1st prize at International Moscow Online Music Competition
◊ 1st prize at Word Open Online Music Competition
◊ 1st prize at International Youth Music Competition „Nouvelle Étoiles“
◊ 1st prize at „Margareta Sterian“ National Arts Competition, Buzău, Romania
◊ 1st prize at „Tudor Dumitrescu“ International Music Competition, „Dinu Lipatti“ National College of Arts, Bucharest
◊ Prize of Excellence and the High Prize of the Woodwind Section, „The Joy of Music“ Festival Competition, the Gymnasium School of Arts no. 5, Bucharest